Wednesday 8 August 2012

Week 1

Task 1 - Seth Godin Preface

"I don’t think you’ll learn much from this textbook.
It’s nothing specific–I actually don’t think you can learn how to market from any textbook. As marketing textbooks go, this is a very good one, but still, it’s not going to work."

The quote above is the preface of Seth Godin's book 'eMarketing' he therefore writes that he believes that marketing is not something you can learn from scratch from a textbook and that it's all about passion, nuance, experimentation and experience.

What are your thoughts?
I think what Seth is saying is that simply studying marketing and reading text books does not make you a good marketer, you need to have a passion for it and be willing to get out there and experience what marketing really is. He isn't saying that you can't learn anything from a text book, he is saying that the only way to become a great marketer is through experiences in conjunction with and to reinforce theory yet also have a passion for it and gain experience in the field yet also experiment within marketing.

5 terms that are new to me:

-Online Reputation Management (ORM): monitoring your reputation on the Internet by measuring and tracking mentions of your product or organisation and then being able to respond quickly.

-Cluetrain Manifesto: a set of 95 theses organised and put forward as a call to action for an organisation who is operating in a market place who is only newly connected.

-Crowdsourcing: is the actions of collaborative information sharing and collaborative approaches to problem solving.

-Search Engine Optimisation: Is used to improve and change a websites ranking within a search engine and the results it generates.

-Pay Per Click: An online advertising scheme on search engine websites where the advertiser only pays when someone physically clicks on their advert.


Task 2 - Case Study: The Best Job In The World

1. Why do you think this campaign garnered such impressive media coverage? I believe that this campaign received such impressive media coverage because of its unique aspect and innovative promotion methods such as the use of social media. It's title and ability to reach such mass audiences created such a buzz amongst the whole population especially amongst applicants and in the end basically advertised itself as thousands of applicants posted videos and blogs all over the internet.
2. How did Tourism Queensland and SapientNitro approach the challenge of marketing across eight international markets? They used the internet and techniques such as small display ads and links from employment websites. Mainstream press and blog articles also aided in the marketing.
3. What role did flexibility play in this campaign? The job decscription didn't contain any high level of qualifications or experience needed, the person simply needed to be outgoing and enthusiastic. This meant that it was flexible in the way that almost anybody could apply for the job and have a chance to get it and the process to applying was as simple as posting a video meaning it was available worldwide as a face-to-face application was not required.
4. How did the strategy leverage social media as a tool for engagement? People could send links to their friends via social media such as Facebook (of the webpage) and invite them to like or vote for their audition videos. This means that the website can be advertised to millions of people either directly or indirectly through the use of social media and viral advertising. This prompted more advertising agencies to embrace social media as a marketing tool through its ease of penetration to mass markets.

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